Does Anyone Really Need a Health Coach?
When it comes to therapists or health coaches, many people think of employing one as a frivolous expense. You don’t get anything tangible out of it, so why would you pay money for it?
2020 was a year where many people have struggled with their health. Fear, anger and all types of emotions are running wild. We don’t know where to turn but to shove those feelings inside and deal with them later. We’re in a pandemic, why would you put money aside for a health coach?
If you ask anyone who has worked with a health coach, they will probably tell you that if you put the work in, you’ll find great healing or at least perspective and emotional support in your situation. We can all benefit from it!
When we shove feelings deep down inside, they can down the road show up in for form of digestive distress, migraines, fatigue, anxiety, etc. When these symptoms do show up, we think “I’m aging, this is just how it is. I’m older now and that’s what comes with the territory.” THIS IS SO UNTRUE! We don’t have to experience illness with age! If we properly address underlying issues through anti-viral food habits and stuck emotions, and with the help of a coach, we can easily work our way out of the rut we’ve been stuck in.
Check out more information in my About Me if you are interested in this kind of support. Please read the free material posted online from Medical Medium to get a background on what I specialize in and think about if this kind of support is right for you. Remember: you are in the drivers seat with your personal healing. And I am here for guidance and support.
Written on January 8, 2021